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Welcome to KwizzMate by Snaz!

The new way to pub quiz without paper


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User Guide - KwizzMaster


QMaster Admin.PNG

Step 1

Click "Add new Round" and add as many Rounds as you wish. Don't forget to give your Rounds some fun titles!

Step 2

Set the number of Questions for each Round as required...

When you are ready to start your quiz, you can watch your guests' answers as they submit them, by going to the Score Sheets Page.

Whilst your quiz is in progress, you have the option to "Lock" each Round when finished (this prevents your guests from submitting any further answers / changes.


Kwizz By Snaz! is divided into TWO apps - KwizzMaster    (for use by you as a quiz master), and KwizzMate    (for use by the participants that you invite). To open the KwizzMaster app (you will need a valid Snaz! Game Code):, just click this link:




Step 3

You can tick the "Lock Guest Entry" to prevent your quiz participants from entering the game. This is handy when your game is in progress. It prevents participants joining your game without notifying you! (You can toggle this on / off whenever you want)


Use the popup menu to select a Team from the popup list. You will then see their answers . . . (Team names are created by your Guests when they login)

QMaster Scores.PNG
QMaster Input.PNG

Click on Leaderboard at any time, to view a summary of all Teams' scores

You can Lock / Unlock any Round by tapping the Lock icon

Toggle between Admin / Score modes whenever you wish

Click / Tap on a row to enter a score

One-Click to give 0 score

One-Click to give 1 point

Click + to set multiple points

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